Large cigar roller events in Pennsylvania work best with a cigar staff

A cigar server or waiter, waitress, helps to bring the cigars out to the guests so they can enjoy the cigars that you provided for them.  

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CIGAR SERVERS ARE especially helpful with events that are in large areas IN philadelphia AND ALL OF PENNSYLVANIA

Cigar Server or Waitress pictured with cigar roller as they appear at Pennsylvania events

Cigar servers are a popular feature when a guest account is over 500. Larger events need staffing in order to help guests get to the cigars which are usually at a stationary table in the event area.

Having a cigar staff roam the area is also a great visual for your event. Just like the old movies where the cigar server was bringing cigars and roaming the room with a cigar tray, the visual is appealing and unique at the same time. The cigar servers are not limited to just serving cigars, they can also have men's and other condiments included in their tray so that both smokers and non-smokers can enjoy without having to travel anywhere else in event area.

Cigar roller events that have 500 or more guests are best served with a cigar waiter or waitress. If you have an upcoming event or trade show or a large golf outing, cigar servers should be inquired as soon as possible to allow for planning and staffing in time for your event date. Fill out the contact form below we will have a quote ready for you in 30 minutes, if your guest count is above 500 let us know that in the extra comments field at the bottom of the form, you should also let us know if this is an indoor or outdoor event to help us create a package of features that will work best for your unique scenario.