Each PA cigar roller events included custom cigar labels free of charge, great for corporate and weddings

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To have a cigar roller at your event is really quite simple. You will have a cigar planner assigned to your event that us cigar knowledgeable and a professional event planner. Cigar Catering® is the service mark for this CF Dominicana Cigars cigar roller feature. CF Dominicana is also a member of the International Live Events Association, an accredited event planning organization. Having a event planner that is cigar knowledgeable is quite rare as the combination of knowing about cigars and how to integrate them into a successful entertainment feature is crucial to make certain your cigar roller visual is executed flawlessly on the Big Night.

Pennsylvania cigar roller with tobacco leaf

The first step in the process is to get the contact form at the bottom of this page submitted so that our office can find the logistically best cigar roller that is closest to your event on your event date.

Click for a quote

Then we generate a quote that you will be able to revise when we get closer to the event date, this is especially helpful for Brides who often contact us eight months to a full year prior to the date without a confirmed guest list. Once the quote is generated you will get a notice that your cigar planner is ready to speak to you so that you can be filled in on all of the details necessary to plan properly for your event. Everything from the start time of the cigar roller to the type of cigars, translates into smoking time while the body and flavor of the cigars is necessary to address to match the age demographic and experience of your guest list. We will also cover your options regarding custom designed cigar labels.

Once your quote and the nuances of your cigar roller feature are explained, you then make a reservation to assign your roller to your event with a deposit much like a table reservation at a restaurant. Your date is then booked, placed on our calendar and scheduled production will start 2 to 3 weeks prior to the event date.

(215)909-4809 Click for a quote

Although the cigar roller looks relatively easy to plan, drastic mistakes can be made so it is crucial that you speak with your cigar planner directly. Your current event planner most likely does not have any knowledge of cigars and this lack of experience leads to planning mistakes that cannot be corrected on the night of your event.

All of our cigar features have the objective of elevating your event while bringing a new experience for your guests to enjoy. Custom cigar labels are very popular for every event and they are often included free because we have our own graphics design department that makes custom cigar bands for each of our client events. When you inquire using the form below, we will have all of your options laid out for you so send us the details and we look forward to hearing from you.

Click for a quote


Mon - Thurs 10am - 5pm Fri - Sun 10am - 1pm,

*Note: phones may be closed for scheduled cigar roller events. You will be given the direct cell phone of your area manager for real-time contact during these hours. 

Cigar roller at Bryn Mawr corporate golf dinner

Once you submit the details of your event, we will create a custom set of features for you.

The cigar rollers in Philadelphia and the rest of Pennsylvania perform exclusively for Cigar Catering®.